Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Choose Life" license plates

Recently 18 states have approved specialty license plates with the tag line "Choose Life" including an associated image.  Many people find this controversial since the message appears on a state issued item.  Some argue that displaying the phrase on a license plate makes it appear that the message is supported by the state.  Some states such as New Jersey have rejected applications if the topic is controversial.  Other states do not allow plates with slogans or advocacy messages.  The controversy has exploded and lawsuits are being filed by both sides to prevent or allow these plates.

I became interested in investigating this issue a few weeks ago when I saw a car in front of me with one of these plates.  I was furious to say the least.  To me the pro-choice / anti-choice (aka pro-life) debate is basically a separation of church and state issue because the financing, organization, and influence of the anti-choice side comes from religious groups.  Issues such as this should be decided on it's constitutionality not the influence from religious groups.  So taking a view that violates the separation of church and putting it on a state issued license plate to me is absolutely appalling.  I can accept that others may have an opinion based on their religious beliefs but it must stay out of the government.  It is what our country was formed on, freedom from goverment ruled by or influenced by a certain religion. 

I'm sure if other religions became strong enough to force their views into our government these religious groups would very quickly change their tune and be calling for separation of church and state.  We need to look beyond ourselves, be able to put ourselves in other peoples shoes, and do what is best for all of us.

"Choose Life" license plate story

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Let us introduce ourselves


Our names are Matt and Theresa. We are students at Salem State University. For our Social Studies block we decided to explore the hot topic issue of separation of church and state. Many people have conflicting opinions about how much, if any, religious values or opinions should appear in a government run institution. The idea of separation of church and state comes from a combination of ideas in the US Constitution and writing of the founding fathers.  Currently the US Supreme Court has generally interpreted the idea of separation of church and state to mean that religion and government must stay separate for the benefit of both, based in part on the idea that the government must not impose religion on Americans. 
Some ideas that we are going to investigate in are:
religious opinions being displayed on state issued material such as a license plate and our national flag.
Should we take out the line “under god” in the Pledge of Allegiance, especially in our public schools.
Should religious groups and organizations have to pay taxes? Or should there be regulations on religious groups that accept money from the government?
The argument is made by most religious groups that gay marriage should not be allowed, however the constitution never states that marriage needs to be between a man and a woman. Who is right?
Evolution vs. creationism

Visit the Americans United for separation of church and state website for more information:
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.” –George Carlin
May God bless you, Amen (oooops)